Wednesday 11 June 2014

UPVC Double Glazed Doors Built - Highest Quality

UPVC Double Glazed Doors Advanced Door (left) Vs Standard Door (right)

UPVC Double Glazed Doors Built – Highest Quality. Safety is a major concern for all households around the world. A property’s entrance door is the major factor to take into account when we talk about having a safe and secure home environment. However, this factor is mostly compromised as homeowners give more priority to beauty and elegance than the material being used.

Stylish UPVC Double Glazed Doors

Therefore, keeping in mind the need of people for a secure home and stylish doors, door manufacturing companies came up with an innovative idea of glazed doors made with UPVC. This material not only ensures strength and durability, but also adds beauty to the overall appeal of the home.

UPVC double glazed doors are considered to be an excellent way of keeping away the burglars and increasing the overall worth of a house. These doors are made with UPVC, which makes them much more resistant and durable than any other traditional door. Many online retailers these days specialize in manufacturing and installation of UPVC double glazed doors in homes and offices. In this post, we’ll discuss some key advantages of installing UPVC double glazed doors and how they prove to be a better option over traditional ones.

Advantages of Installing UPVC Double Glazed Doors

UPVC Double Glazed Doors Enhanced security. If you are concerned about the safety and security of your family members and want to sleep peacefully at home, then UPVC double glazed doors should be your first consideration. These doors are designed as per the international design standards and aim to reduce the crime in homes such as theft. Criminals are opportunists and do not think twice before breaking into a house if it is not equipped with proper security equipment. Securing your home with excellent quality of doors and windows will prevent break-ins. These doors have unique lock feature that are indestructible and prevent force entry into the home.

UPVC Double Glazed Doors Enhanced Appeal. Double glazed doors are not only known for their security features, but also have the ability to provide stylish and decorative appeal. Due to advancement in technology, you can find a variety of style and designs of doors made keeping in mind the needs and preferences of the customers. This means that if you looking for a door that can go well with the interior theme of your home, you are sure find something that will suit your requirements. You can find any style of composite doors, from modern to contemporary look.

UPVC Double Glazed Doors Low Maintenance. Maintenance is a major concern that is associated with doors and windows of the house as maximum effect of climatic conditions have to be bore by them. Maintenance may demand a lot of time and efforts from time to time, such as re-paint, polishing, termites, fungus etc. However, when it comes to UPVC double glazed doors there is no to low maintenance required to ensure longevity. The average life of a glazed door is around 10 years, even if it is not maintained as per the instructions.

Give us a call at The Advanced Group today on FREEPHONE 0500 338 488 to find out more and to get a FREE consultation with a helpful member of our team. Or Simply complete the enquiry form on this page.


UPVC Double Glazed Doors Built - Highest Quality

Aluminium Double Glazing Making a Come Back

aluminium double glazingAluminium Double Glazing Making a Come Back. Aluminum double glazed windows are one of the most environmentally friendly windows that you can upgrade to in order to reduce your bills and also to regulate the amount of temperature in your room. There are many different double glazing materials that can be used to make good windows but aluminum double glazing offers the best quality for double glazed windows. This windows are formed by fastening two panes of glass, together with the air between them. This structure helps the windows to protect a room from high temperatures and this helps to control and regulate the temperature of the room.

Energy efficient windows can be installed to stabilise a building environment and this can lead to a reduction of heating and cooling bills. Aluminium Double Glazing Making a Come Back. Beside this benefits, aluminum double glazing also helps to reduce the incoming noise from a neighborhood. This give one the opportunity to relax well in a room without any interference.

Aluminium Double Glazing Low Profile Windows

Aluminum double glazed windows insulate a room temperature in a few different ways. By having two panes with glasses, the amount of heat that has to get through can be easily controlled by different insulation features installed in the double glazed window. Aluminium Double Glazing Making a Come Back. The insulation power comes from the air trapped between the panes. Heat is a motion in molecules and if the panes receive more heat from the sun, the molecules react and move faster as a result. Because most air molecules in the pane are spread out, they do not conduct excessive heat like solid materials does. This helps the trapped air between the panes to act as an insulator and to control the room temperature.

Aluminium Double Glazing. Since windows are designed to let light in house while still blocking air and other objects from entering a room, there are several factors that make some windows to be more considerable than others. Most windows are only a few millimeters thick and this makes them venerable to high temperatures and heat that easily flow through them, making it very difficult to leave inside a house or a room. Aluminium Double Glazing Making a Come Back. With good aluminum double glazed windows a house can be easily regulated to control high temperatures brought by strong sunlight rays. They are designed to let light trough while still blocking high temperatures and this makes them to be good insulators of a room.

Aluminium Double Glazing The Retro Look

Aluminum double glazing can also be improved by adding coatings that can help to trap more heat and reduce the amount of heat entering a room. Different coatings can be used to perform different functions. For example a relative aluminum coating on the outside can prevent the sun rays from heating a room. Aluminium Double Glazing. The same coating can also be used on the outside of the inner pane to stop the heat from leaving the room. This helps to keep a room warmer, all you need to do is to install the appropriate aluminum double glazed window that can control both temperatures of a cold and a warmer season.

Aluminium Double Glazing Making a Come Back. With the installation of the double glazed window, you can be able to live a good lifestyle since you are the one to control the temperature in your room.

Give us a call at The Advanced Group today on FREEPHONE 0500 338 488 to find out more and to get a FREE consultation with a helpful member of our team. Or Simply complete the enquiry form on this page.

Aluminium Double Glazing Making a Come Back

Double Glazed Windows. What’s in The Gap?

Double Glazed WindowsDouble Glazed Windows. What’s in The Gap? More often, you hear quite a lot about double glazing or rather double glazed windows. Double glazing over time now has become so popular and most importantly more readily available to people building new homes or renovating.

What are double glazed windows?

Double glazed window unit entails two panes of glass with a space/vacuum in between them. The intent of creating insulation between the two panes is to give it an insulation property which is apparent in preventing heat loss or gain through the window. Prevention of heat loss or gain happens because air temperature lacks the medium through which it can penetrate through.

How do double glazed windows work? The insulation between the two panes of glasses is a poor conductor of heat and therefore prevents heat particles from colliding. The inability of heat to move enables the house retain heat since no heat is gained from or lost to outside. In some glazed windows, instead of filling the space with vacuum, nitrogen or argon gas is used. This is simply because, these two gases are denser than air and hence they move slowly transferring heat at a very low rate. To increase the strength and safety of the glass, it’s usually laminated using a clear substance which helps in cutting down the penetration of UV radiation.

Benefits of using Double Glazed Windows

Double Glazed Windows. What’s in The Gap? Prevention of heat loss or gain. This being the sole purpose of glazing windows; double glazed window prevents the loss of heat by more than 50%. The drastic reduction in heat loss means less money needed in maintenance of desired temperature in the building. This is so because money that could have been spent on fuel and electricity is now saved for other uses. During cold season, your room remains warm and comfortable as the only heat circulating through will be that emitted by your bodies and from the sources of heat within the building.

Improves carbon footprint and environment. Being in charge of our own environment, it’s up to everyone to ensure that their activities do not harshly harm the environment. Many scientists recommend the use of equipments that does not emit/ emit less carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Double glazed windows do not emit any gas at all. Therefore keeps your home fresh and free from impurities such as carbon dioxide and other dangerous gases. In saving the fuel consumption, it gives room for more productivity in other sectors that rely on fuel for them to be operational. Double Glazed Windows. What’s in The Gap?

Acts as a sound proofing. The vacuum between the two panes not only acts as insulation, but also prevents sound from penetrating through. The only noise will be that originating from the house and not from outside. This quite environment gives you peace of mind and sobriety to do anything you feel like without interference from outside.

Double glazed windows with The Advanced Group. Like with other products, with double glazed window unit, as stated before in the blog, there is 0% deposit finance package and the products comes with a 10 year guarantee. In addition, it’s easy to get our services.

Give us a call at The Advanced Group today on FREEPHONE 0500 338 488 to find out more and to get a FREE consultation with a helpful member of our team. Or Simply complete the enquiry form on this page.

Double Glazed Windows. What’s in The Gap?

Monday 2 June 2014

Replacement Glass Energy Performance Benefits

replacement glass double glazingEnergy Performance Benefits With Replacement Glass. Windows are very important in our houses as they essentially provide good ventilation, natural light, and adorn the house with great beauty; however, they can also cost us dearly in energy bills especially if the type of glass used in windows does not control climate. In the world that we are living today, it has become so expensive to meet energy demands for the ever growing population and also due to diminishing energy resources. This therefore calls for energy saving strategies that should start at our homes. One of the ways among many others that we can achieve this is by installing energy replacement glass that comes with a lot of benefits.

Save Money With Replacement Glass in Your Windows…

Examples of some of the benefits that you are going to get by having your windows covered with replacement glass include the following;

It saves your money – The kind of technology used to make replacement glass is very efficient in insulating the house against heat loss and also preventing air condensation inside the house. This has been has been provided for by highly effective energy glass design that has three layers of insulating glass and two air spaces measuring 40 mm thick. All this in totality helps in maintaining a conducive climate inside the house thereby reducing energy consumption on cooling appliance such as fans and ACs thereby cutting energy cost that otherwise would have been incurred due to energy wastage.

Prevents fading of home interior – Replacement glass prevents excessive energy in form of damaging ultraviolet radiation from penetrate through the window thereby distorting the interior beauty of the house and other home equipment such as wall paintings and coverings, carpets, and wooden furniture that might have been placed directly to the window in positions allowing sun rays to pass through. This will therefore save you unnecessary expenses of replacing your carpets or renovating the entire interior all the time.

Noise pollution – Replacement glass shields you from noise and disturbances from people and traffic. This gives you peace of mind while having good time with your family, working or sleeping at night. Moreover, these windows also absorb sound energy produced inside the house thereby preventing much of it from escaping to the outside. This means you can play moderately loud music without causing disturbance to people living close to you.

Replacement Glass is Suitable for Existing Older Double Glazed Windows.

As we have already discussed, there are many befits that you are going to get from high performance replacement glass. First of all, the glasses helps in maintaining good aeration inside the house thus reducing the cost of electricity which is very important in today’s green economy. Replacement glass protects the house interior and properties from damages and last but not least, they are a great sound proof thus giving you peace to live in your house free form noise pollution.

Now that you have known some of the benefits of energy performance replacement glass and would desire to have them installed in your house, it will be very important for you to search for highly qualified professionals to help you with that. If you are searching for such persons, do not look further since the The Advanced Group knows how to do it better based on our over 22 years experience in the business.

Give us a call at The Advanced Group today on FREEPHONE 0500 338 488 to find out more about replacement glass and to get a FREE consultation with a helpful member of our team. Or Simply complete the enquiry form on this page.

Replacement Glass Energy Performance Benefits