What is the Cost of Triple and Double Glazing
The price of Double Glazing and Triple Glazing varies considerably and depends on a number of different factors. These include the number of windows you have you Triple or Double Glazing fitted in, the window dimensions, is there a double glazed composite door or any other type of door for that matter, is the glazing for a conservatory, a loggia or is it for a full house and conservatory.
Only once all of these things are factored in can a price be given.
Advanced Group however, are offering one of the very best deals I have seen yet on Triple and Double Glazing. The Advanced Group have a pilot scheme called the Window Scrappage Scheme, which you may have seen in national newspapers, like the Metro for instance.
The windows scrappage scheme offer customers the chance to have £100 cashback per window (yes, you read it correctly, for each window). So if our customers are going to have Advanced Group Replacement Windows fitted and say for talking sake, you are having 5 replacement windows fitted, then that’s £1000 off the price of your windows. Now it doesn’t matter what anyone says, that is a serious saving.
If you have owned your house for a while, it may well be the case that the old Double Glazing you have installed my not be looking quite as nice as it once was, not to mention the reduced thermal performance level you will have reached. The Advanced Group are Scotland Energy Efficient Home Improvement Company and as such, specialise in the very latest energy efficient products, including our Double and Triple Gazing.
With Advanced replacement windows, you will save money on your heating bills and that’s a proven fact. This is because Advanced windows have an industry beating uValue of 0.7, which means that you will retain better levels of heat and there is less of a problem with condensation forming.
So why not contact the Advanced Group for your free, no obligation, Windows Scrappage quote today.
Cost of Triple and Double Glazing