Thursday 30 January 2014

Solar PV Systems

Solar PV Systems are tomorrows energy supplier and the Advanced Group  will happily give you all the help you need with their vast experience in Solar Energy.

The Advanced Group’s effort to provide energy efficient products has been what can only be describe as a success.

From Energy efficient triple glazed windows to solar PV systems and panels and everything in between, they have it covered

Our Solar PV systems are becoming more and more popular as people see the benefits of Solar Panels. Solar PV (Photovoltaic) technology has many benefits, it is a quiet, clean source of sustainable and renewable energy requiring minimal maintenance, and it lasts for over 20 years.

Not only is it competitive in terms of cost against other energy sources, it also directly contributes to reduction in greenhouse gases, giving you the satisfaction that you are actively reducing your carbon footprint and are doing your bit for the planet as well.

As the Solar PV module produces electricity, it saves you the money you would normally spend on electricity and you will be rewarded by exporting your excess back to the national grid, which acts as a kind of battery bank, which is one of the most attractive benefits of solar energy.  This is regulated by a Government backed guarantee scheme, FITs or Feed in Tariff Scheme, ensuring that you get paid for the electricity you generate through your solar panel installation, even if you use it yourself! This Solar Income is without a doubt, a win-win situation.

FIT’s, the feed-in Tariff agreements are currently running for 20 years and offer a whopping 14p per Kwh for current installations. Which is the reason why it is essential to have a reputable company come out and look at what your individual needs are, ensuring that any additional or excess energy created is exported back to the grid, but that’s not all, you will also receive a further minimum payment of 4.5p per Kwh which will be paid directly to you.

With the export tariff, you will get a further 4.5p per kWh from your current electricity supplier for each unit you export back to the national grid, so you can sell any electricity you generate, but only the units you don’t use yourself!

Your Energy supplier will pay you a set rate per unit or kWh of electricity you generate. This is called the Generation tariff. However, this is only once your solar PV system has been registered. The tariff levels are guaranteed for the whole period of the tariff and are index-linked, which means that nothing can change for the duration of the generation tariff.

The average Solar PV system will return roughly 12% (which is 100% Tax free) on your investment. Also this system size would create an average reduction of carbon emissions by up to 1.3 Tons per year, which is a serious dent in anyone’s carbon footprint. This is an estimated fuel saving at today’s prices of £7920 (if you are using all the power you generate).

When the benefits of anything are so obvious, it’s a wonder that the whole of the UK isn’t running on solar power. Although there is a general shift towards this as there are even local authority housing with solar installations because they know how much money they can generate by investing in solar and other than the initial outlay, which will be recouped in a few years, it’s nothing more than a council cash cow.

The only questions you have to ask are:

1. Do I want to save money on my electricity bill?

2. Do you want to make money for doing nothing?

The price of electricity will only going to keep rising over the coming years (OFGEM predict could be as high as 60% by 2020) this is a great opportunity for any consumer that has thought about installing a solar PV system to take the impetus and go for it.

If it helps, The Advanced Group could also offer you Nil Deposit green deal finance, so why not contact us today for your FREE, no obligation survey.



Solar PV Systems